Literature & Psychology

bookshelves: Literature and Psychology

Life Stories: A Select Bibliography

  Aftel, Mandy. The Story of Your Life: Becoming the Author of Your Experience (Fireside, 1996) Atkinson, Robert. The Gift of Stories: Practical and Spiritual Applications of Autobiography, Life Stories, and Personal Mythmaking (Bergin and Garvey, 1995) Estrade, Patrick. You Are What You Remember: A Pathbreaking Guide to Understanding and Interpreting Your Childhood Memories (Da […]

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bookshelves: Literature and Psychology

“Gone Girl”: Forging a Life Story

  Related Posts * Introduction to Life Stories * “Before I Go to Sleep,” S.J. Watson: We Are What We Remember * Review of The Opposite of Me by Sarah Pekkanen * Life Stories: The Personal Component * 11 Novels That Feature Life Stories * Literary Life Stories: The Character Biography * Life Stories: A

“Gone Girl”: Forging a Life Story Read More »

bookshelves: Literature and Psychology

Literary Life Stories: The Character Biography

  Related Posts: Introduction to Life Stories “Before I Go to Sleep,” S.J. Watson: We Are What We Remember Life Stories: The Personal Component 11 Novels That Feature Life Stories Must We Like Fictional Characters? “Mr. Mercedes” by Stephen King: The Power of Characters Although the concept of life story originated in the field of

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bookshelves: Literature and Psychology

“The Door,” E.B. White

  White, E.B. “The Door” (1939) In The World Within: Fiction Illuminating Neuroses of Our Time Edited by Mary Louise Aswell Notes and Introduction by Frederic Wertham, M.D. New York: Whittlesey House, 1947 Related Posts: “The World Within”: Introduction “Silent Snow, Secret Snow,” Conrad Aiken “The Door” originally appeared in The New Yorker in 1939.

“The Door,” E.B. White Read More »

bookshelves: Literature and Psychology

Life Stories: The Personal Component

Related Posts: Introduction to Life Stories “Before I Go to Sleep,” S.J. Watson: We Are What We Remember Review of The Opposite of Me by Sarah Pekkanen We all carry around a life story that expresses who we are and that contains our sense of identity. Introduction to Life Stories discusses how cultural influences such

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bookshelves: Literature and Psychology

11 Novels That Feature Life Stories

Related Posts: Introduction to Life Stories Before I Go to Sleep, S.J. Watson: We Are What We Remember All these novels in some way feature the notion of life stories and identity. An Arsonist’s Guide to Writers’ Homes in New England by Brock Clarke Before I Go to Sleep by S. J. Watson The Double

11 Novels That Feature Life Stories Read More »

bookshelves: Literature and Psychology

“Before I Go to Sleep”: The Film

Before I Go To Sleep: Exclusive film stills show Nicole Kidman and Colin Firth in new psychological thriller Related Posts: Introduction to Life Stories “Before I Go to Sleep,” S.J. Watson: We Are What We Remember These emotive images depict Oscar-winner Nicole Kidman as a woman who wakes up every morning remembering nothing in the

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bookshelves: Literature and Psychology

“Before I Go to Sleep,” S.J. Watson: We Are What We Remember

  Related Post: Introduction to Life Stories   Before I Go to Sleep: A Novel by S. J. Watson HarperCollins, 2011 Kindle Edition A woman awakens, wonders where she is, rolls over—and is shocked to see a middle-aged man wearing a wedding ring and with hairs on his back sleeping next to her. She stumbles

“Before I Go to Sleep,” S.J. Watson: We Are What We Remember Read More »

bookshelves: Literature and Psychology

Introduction to Life Stories

  “We live forwards but we understand backwards.” –Danish philosopher Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855) Even though we may not be aware of it, we all carry within us a story about our lives that describes who we are. We’ve had experiences from which we’ve learned lessons, and from those experiences and lessons we’ve formulated a set

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