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Steph Cha on Writing Process

Steph Cha starts her day by reading and writing Yelp reviews.

photo headshot: female, Steph Cha

“That’s where I get my junky habitual writing done, which has been really helpful to me. I’ve been doing it my whole career. I’ve Yelped every restaurant I’ve ever been to. I also Yelped an eye doctor today. It’s just a habit I’ve always had. It’s helpful when I need to kick myself into gear. Just start writing something. I can’t quite define it. . . . You know, like a warmup.”

Steph Cha

This warmup step to daily writing reminds me of Julia Cameron’s concept of morning pages that she describes in her classic book The Artist’s Way.

This preliminary step also reiterates this ubiquitous piece of writing advice:

Start anywhere. Just start.

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