book review

“Journalution” by Sandy Grason

Grason, Sandy. Journalution: Journaling to Awaken Your Inner Voice, Heal Your Life, and Manifest Your Dreams
Novato, CA: New World Library, 2005
ISBN 1-57731-483-2

There are A LOT of books about journal writing, so I almost didn’t pick up this one when I first saw it. But I’m glad I did.

Grason covers all the usual aspects of journaling. She begins with a chapter on why, when, where, and how to journal. Throughout the book she scatters journaling prompts that she labels “Try This.” These prompts are conveniently indexed at the back of the book as well. She also covers how journal writing can help deal with life’s big issues such as healing past hurts and facing life transitions.

One feature that distinguishes Journalution from other books about journal writing is the section on masterminding at the end of chapter 6:

Masterminding is an alliance of two or more people working together toward a goal or vision. When you mastermind, you hold a vision for someone else and they do the same for you; you use your combined energy to attract and create your dreams. The power to manifest these dreams is multiplied when you write them in your journal and share them with your mastermind group.

(p. 131)

Grason includes Journalution group guidelines to help you start and maintain your own group writing and masterminding process. 

Grason says that her book will help both novice and seasoned journalers. While both types will probably find something of interest here, the book is most appropriate for beginning journalers who need some help in establishing a regular practice of journal writing.

©2008 by Mary Daniels Brown

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