
15 best nonfiction books of 2011: CSMonitor picks – “Day of Honey,” by Annia Ciezadlo –

These are the 15 nonfiction titles that Monitor book reviewers found to be the most outstanding of 2011. via 15 best nonfiction books of 2011: CSMonitor picks – “Day of Honey,” by Annia Ciezadlo – I just finally have to say this. I HATE it when a web site, such as Christian Science Monitor, […]

15 best nonfiction books of 2011: CSMonitor picks – “Day of Honey,” by Annia Ciezadlo – Read More »

I Need a New Challenge. . .

During the 6 years while I was back in grad school, the practice of reading challenges blossomed. Often I’d see a challenge that looked so interesting, but I just didn’t have time to participate.  I guess my doctoral program was itself a 6-year reading challenge. Anyway, since I finally got my degree this past summer,

I Need a New Challenge. . . Read More »

Your Loebs! – Harvard University Press Blog

Your Loebs! – Harvard University Press Blog. I started life as a classics major, so seeing these photos celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Loeb Classical Library, published by Harvard University Press, warmed my heart. These little green-covered (Greek) and red-covered (Latin) gems present the original text on the left page, with a translation on

Your Loebs! – Harvard University Press Blog Read More »

Still Nickel and Dimed a Decade Later : The New Yorker

The Book Bench: Still Nickel and Dimed a Decade Later : The New Yorker Picador is marking the tenth anniversary of Barbara Ehrenreich’s modern classic “Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting By in America,” in which she chronicled her attempts to make a life on minimum wage in three states, with a special anniversary edition.

Still Nickel and Dimed a Decade Later : The New Yorker Read More »

Why Borders Failed While Barnes & Noble Survived : NPR

It appears to be all over for the Borders bookselling chain. The company will be liquidated — meaning sold off in pieces — and almost 11,000 employees will lose their jobs. The chain’s 400 remaining stores will close their doors by the end of September. Say what you like, it’s a sad day for book

Why Borders Failed While Barnes & Noble Survived : NPR Read More »

YA Author Apologizes To ‘Wall Street Journal’ Critic : NPR

YA Author Apologizes To ‘Wall Street Journal’ Critic : NPR. NPR offers a follow-up to the recent controversy over the current state of YA (young adult) literature. Related Posts: Darkness Too Visible YA Fiction Is Too Dark: Some Responses Are Teen Novels Dark and Depraved–Or Saving Lives?  

YA Author Apologizes To ‘Wall Street Journal’ Critic : NPR Read More »

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