Some weeks seem slow in terms of good book-related reading, while others, like this one, throw one interesting article after another my way. I’m guessing the reason is not so much a function of what everyone else is writing as it is of how much effort I put forth to find good material to recommend. But whatever the reason, this has been a good reading week for me. Here are some of the things I’ve found recently.
I don’t often participate in blog memes, but apparently one that went around this past week was “books that make you think.” I’m sure there are probably dozens more out there, but here are two that I found:

Steven Powell, editor of 100 American Crime Writers, explains his approach to the “exciting and daunting task” of compiling the volume:
There has been so much discussion lately about the practicality and the ethics of book reviewing that I’ve found it hard to keep up with it all. Here’s an article whose links provide a good overview of the topic:
National Public Radio (NPR) had to apologize—sort of—for the lack of diversity in one of its recent “best books” lists:
U.K. newspaper The Guardian asks:
The latest publishing buzz is ‘new adult’ fiction, aimed at readers aged 14 to 35. Do you buy into it?