A large, brown building taking up most of a city block, labeled "Tacoma Public Library." Several cars are parked in front of the building, and a bicycle is chained to a signpost outside the entrance.

Library Snapshot Day

(Feature image: Main Branch, Tacoma Public Library, Tacoma, WA)

Today is Library Snapshot Day! This day is celebrated in 38 states of the U.S. some time in the first half of each year, and for 2023 that day is today.

But Library Snapshot Day is no April Fool’s joke:

It is an engaging way to help capture the daily ongoings of libraries and the amount of support and appreciation they receive from communities. It involves sharing pictures, testimonials, and data on libraries to showcase their immeasurable impact on communities and society. It is a chance for libraries to reach out to their base for assistance and promote themselves as community pillars by sharing personal and statistical data on their influence.


This mission is essential with the current craze of book bans and declining funding for libraries across the U.S.

Library Snapshot Day began in 2007 in New Jersey as a way to answer the question “What would happen if libraries went away, even for a day?” The event was so successful that the New Jersey Library Association and the New Jersey State Library pushed for its national recognition in 2009.

Learn about Library Snapshot Day activities and 5 Interesting Facts About Famous Libraries here

And consider taking a snapshot of and promoting the benefits of your local library.

© 2023 by Mary Daniels Brown

2 thoughts on “Library Snapshot Day”

    1. Mary Daniels Brown

      I hadn’t heard of it either, Liz. But, of course, there’s an app for that (called Holiday Today). It offers all kinds of things, many of which are commercial (focusing on products a specific company puts out), but every once in a while I come across something book related.

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