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Life Stories: A Select Bibliography


Aftel, Mandy. The Story of Your Life: Becoming the Author of Your Experience (Fireside, 1996)

Atkinson, Robert. The Gift of Stories: Practical and Spiritual Applications of Autobiography, Life Stories, and Personal Mythmaking (Bergin and Garvey, 1995)

Estrade, Patrick. You Are What You Remember: A Pathbreaking Guide to Understanding and Interpreting Your Childhood Memories (Da Capo, 2006)

Feinstein, David and Stanley Krippner. The Mythic Path: Discovering the Guiding Stories of Your Past—Creating a Vision for Your Future, 3rd ed. (Innersource, 2006)

Frank, Arthur W. Letting Stories Breathe: A Socio-Narratology (University of Chicago Press, 2010)

Funder, David C., Ross D. Parke, Carol Tomlinson-Keasey, Keith Widaman, eds. Studying Lives Through Time: Personality and Development (American Psychological Association, 1993)

Hendricks, Jon, ed. The Meaning of Reminiscence and Life Review (Baywood, 1995)

Linde, Charlotte. Life Stories: The Creation of Coherence (Oxford University Press, 1993)

McAdams, Dan, Ruthellen Josselson, Amia Lieblich, eds. Identity and Story: Creating Self in Narrative (American Psychological Association, 2006)

McAdams, Dan P. Power, Intimacy, and the Life Story: Personological Inquiries into Identity (Guilford, 1988)

McAdams, Dan P. The Stories We Live By: Personal Myths and the Making of the Self (Guilford, 1993)

Olney, James. Memory and Narrative: The Weaving of Life-Writing (University of Chicago Press, 1998)

Progoff, Ira. Life-Study: Experiencing Creative Lives by the Intensive Journal Method (Dialogue House, 1983)

Rainer, Tristane. Your Life as Story: Discovering the “New Autobiography” and Writing Memoir as Literature (Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam, 1997)

Singer, Jefferson A. Memories That Matter: How to Use Self-Defining Memories to Understand and Change Your Life (New Harbinger, 2005)

Stone, Elizabeth. Black Sheep and Kissing Cousins: How Our Family Stories Shape Us (Transaction Publishers, 2004, rpt. 2008)

Taylor, Daniel. Tell Me a Story: The Life-Shaping Power of Our Stories (Bog Walk Press, 2001)

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