Looking Glass for the Mind: 350 Years of Books for Children

Looking Glass for the Mind: 350 Years of Books for Children

The University of Washington Digital Collection of children’s books starts off with a wonderful piece that touches on the beloved memories children’s books bring back for so many, but also on the reasons why a university library would collect children’s books. Several of the reasons given regard what children’s books can teach us: printing and book illustration history, the “study of the gradual changes in familiar tales to reflect changes in societal acceptance and sensibilities,” social and ethnic history, the historical role of women, and shifting views on education. After the homepage is the index to the exhibit with an introduction, a brief history of the first children’s book publishers. To the left is the “Index” of topics that the books cover. Visitors will find a multitude, including “Fables”, “Grammar, Spelling, Elocution & Rhetoric”, “Math & Money”, “Activity Books”, and “Prejudice & Bigotry”. Under the topic “Fables”, visitors should check out The Baby’s Own Aesop, illustrated by Walter Crane, who began an illustrating apprenticeship at the age of fourteen.

>From The Scout Report, Copyright Internet Scout Project 1994-2010. http://scout.wisc.edu/

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