Harlan Coben: Introductory Notes

Harlan Coben was born in Newark, NJ, in 1962 and grew up in Livingston, NJ. He continues to live in NJ with his wife, a pediatrician, and their four children. He graduated from Amherst College with a major in political science.

Coben is the first author to win all three of mystery’s most prestigious awards: the Edgar Award, the Anthony Award, and the Shamus Award. His books have repeatedly been nominated for awards and have consistently appeared on best seller lists.

For a lot more about Harlan Coben, including Netflix and foreign productions of some of his works, see his web site

Study Notes

For some insight into Harlan Coben’s writing process, see these related posts:

Harlan Coben in St. Louis: Part I  

Harlan Coben in St. Louis: Part II

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