
Welcome to Notes in the Margin

by Mary Daniels Brown, Ph. D.

I have always read a lot. There are few activities I enjoy more than getting together with other people to discuss books. That modern convocation known as the book group is one of the highest achievements of humankind, in my book. Over the years I have participated in many book groups, both face-to-face and online. I started Notes in the Margin to share my love of books and reading.

4 thoughts on “About”

  1. P.S. i believe you came across me on my secondary blog : thebooksmith.wordpress.com. I’m delighted to meet another member of my tribe! I too lov e books and reading, and a whole lot more besides.

  2. Hello there! I found this blog through the Classics Club tag — I just started a solo project to read around 150 classic books in the next five years, and started blogging to keep track of everything. I’m so glad that you take the time to cultivate the “literary links,” since it helps join in that conversation. (I do the same thing, under the “Assorted Links” category of my blog). Do you have a specific category for yours? I’d love to be able to link to them altogether.

  3. Hello, I am writing on the Death Mother Archetype and was also poking around looking for the evil father or wicked step father archetype, which of course doesn’t exist. I wonder if you’ve written elsewhere on this topic. Thanks!

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